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Chem- Decon first-aid

The profile for chemical
burn's treatment

The profile for Thermal Burn Care

Chemical Decontamination System

Emergency Response
System Service for Hazmat

Chem - Decon first-aid


Decontamination treatment for Chemical splash and First-aid for thermal burn
and Chemical burn
The profile for Emergency decontamination for Chemical splash
The profile for Thermal burn first-aid treatment

The latest decontamination fro Chemical burn both in Europe and U.S.A.
As we know, most of the burn centers in hospital can cure the patients with little treatment within 100 years. The employees get chemical burn from relative chemicals in different plants. As well as the innocent ordinary people injures owing to acid splashing accident. Those who even happened the above experience, they felt regret and can do little thing about that.

So far, water is the only decontamination solution for the chemical splash on site in Asia, nevertheless water is hypotonic.

Prevor's products  [248KB]

Burn Dressings [220KB]






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It makes it easier for both water and chemical to penetrate into the deep layers and create edemas. Diphoterine and Hexaflourine, which are slightly hypnotic to tears, restore the eyes physiological balance. It prevents the aggression from penetration .

The latest first-aid treatment for thermal burn in both Europe and U.S.A.
Until now almost the thermal treatment for every work places, schools, families and so on, it applies the water follow the traditional steps; flowing , doffing, soaking, covering, delivering. But unfortunately it comes to harm so often and even suffering death. Right now it has been developed for the thermal burn in the western countries, it can be used without and limits concerning medical background or the water source on site to get the best performance for burn treatment.

The state of the art Characteristics for the Water-Jel products:
Ø Cools burn, relieves pain and protects against contamination all in one easy step.
Ø Minimizes the impact of burn.
Ø Thick, viscous gel dissipates the heat.
Ø Gel stays wet on the burn injury, does not evaporate.
Ø Rinse off easily without resides.
Ø Provides optimal burn case and improves patient outcome.
Ø Reduce risk where serious, permanently damaging or life threatening burn injuries can occur.
Ø Portable to fit in any first aid cabinet or kit, tool kit, vehicle, desk, etc.
Ø It can be used with Diphoterine and Hexaflourine to prevent from hurting in case thermal chemical accident occurs

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